Science & Industry
Our Commitment to Science
For many years, companies that targeted Patagonian toothfish in the Argentine Sea have had a close relationship with the fishery science of our country. We care and we are convinced that all scientific knowledge is the basis for best decisions for fishery management. For this reason, we actively participate in diverse scientific research making our ships and facilities on land available for that purpose, as well as supporting the acquisition of equipment and scientific supplies necessary for the investigation. As an example of our commitment, we mention the following:
Joint Surveys INIDEP and Industry
Since 2017, science in a joint effort with industry have carried out an annual cruise financed by the latter on board a commercial vessel to estimate the interannual variability and abundance index of Patagonian toothfish juveniles, regardless of commercial fishing operations. This information is extremely useful for the assessment models of the species in the Argentine Sea. On these scientific cruises, important information on the composition of the fish by catch and benthic invertebrate species associated with the fishing grounds is also obtained.
Tag-Recapture Program
Since 2004, the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) of Argentina carries out a tag-recapture program of Patagonian toothfish in collaboration with the fishing industry. To date, more than 5,000 juvenile fish specimens (< 82 cm TL) were marked and released into waters close to the edge of the continental margin and slope. Currently, 121 specimens have been recaptured. The invaluable collaboration between science and industry has shown signs of a successful program and very useful results about the behavior and migratory movements of the species in the Argentine Sea.
The Role of INIDEP
Argentine fisheries science depends on the prestigious and well-known Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP). This organization advises the Federal Fishery Council and the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Argentina in the rational use of fishery resources with the aim of preserving the marine ecosystem for future generations. A permanent working group dedicated to the study of fishing resources and southern and subantarctic fisheries, made up of scientific researchers and specialized technicians, have been working there for more than 20 years. That is our source of knowledge and the basis of the decisions making every day in fisheries management.
Scientific Observers
Dependent on INIDEP, their permanent job on board our research vessels allows science to acquire valuable and essential information about the exploitation of fishery resources. Their presence on vessels with ITQ for Patagonian toothfish is mandatory on all fishing trips. We consider that their job on board is fundamental to record all the information from our activity and the operations.